Today we had a wonderful group of visitors from the Music School; the wind instrument orchestra 'Puhku' gave the whole school a nice concert. Thank You! And please, come and visit us again!

Tänään musiikkiopiston puhallinorkesteri 'Puhku' kävi konsertoimassa koululla.

Ville (Koponen), puhallinorkesterin johtaja, esitteli ja opetti orkesterin instrumentit oppilaille;

The orchestra's conductor, Ville Koponen introduced orchestra's instruments to School's students;

mukana olivat klarinetti, nokkahuilu, poikkihuilu, trumpetti, kornetti ja käyrätorvikin!

clarinet, recorder, concert flute, trumpet, cornet and even a French horn!

..and when Milja (Mäntynen), the headmaster of Koskela Primary School enquired how many of the students liked this visit, well, it's quite visible, don't you think?

Kaikki nautimme, opimme ja inspiroiduimme kovin- kiitos!


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