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Thank you all for the amazing Saturday at Maunula-talo, the co-production 'Auringonkierros' was a success!  Kiitos kaikille osallistujille ja produktion mahdollistajille! As the whole autumn semester flew by really really quickly  I will shortly go through the key elements of this smaller project Auringonkierros, inside this whole 3.5- year project.  Koska syyslukukausi humahti taas ohi kuin huomaamatta, käyn seuraavassa nopeasti vielä läpi tämän pienemmän, kolme ja puoli vuotisen Koskelan projektin sisällä toteutetun loppuproduktion. In May, at the end of the spring semester of 2019, we (class teachers Päivi Flores, Satu Korpiniitty, Tuulia Pisto, and from the Käpylä Music School, myself and Lisa Pälikkö) had the first production meeting. Some of the main elements, like digital scenic flats/props (Riikka) or no spoken lines, only 'movement and music' (Lisa) were already there, but the actual manuscript was not finished until the b...

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